
Complete weighing systems with control

Dansk Stålmontage designs and produces weighing equipment. We deliver the equipment as a complete solution with control. For the pharmaceutical industry, the equipment is manufactured in stainless steel, and complies with the very high requirements set for e.g. surfaces and documentation.

Weighing systems for smaller and larger projects

  • Complete waste water solution, where bridge scales are used to weigh containers with sludge.
  • Special weighing solutions with weighing up to 65 tonnes of large objects for the wind industry.
  • Weighing of biochar in a fully automatic solution with two scales.
  • Weighing tanks for dosing both liquids and powders.

Weighing of biochar in a fully automatic solution with two scales

Special road solution with weighing up to 65 tonnes of items for the wind industry

We design the control

Dansk Stålmontage delivers a complete solution, where the mechanical part is carefully coordinated with electronics and control. The control is developed and built in close collaboration with Optilogic. Dansk Stålmontage and Optilogic have many years of experience with weighing technology.

If you have any questions or would like to hear more about our weighing system, you are very welcome to contact us.

Interested in hearing more about our weighing system?

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